GreenWire utilizes a proven approach to save electricity for our customers. We offer Innovative Solutions for Residential, Commerical and Industrial Applications. Our Services extend from concepting to implementation. Our customers Trust us because of our Integrity and Experience!
GreenWire represents the leading manufacturers in energy saving equipment. Our designs and installations are well thought out with the customer's 0peration in mind. We do things differently than other contractors who mainly care about their profits and timelines. We care about Quality!
GreenWire begins each process by energy education. We design and install Energy Monitoring Equpiment that permanently stays connected to the customer's main service. This equipment will monitor and send PDF reports daily, weekly or monthly as desired. The report will show total usage for the period desired and total generated in the case of solar production. Education is absolutely essential to saving energy. We have numerous case studies of savings of 20% or more just though education.
GreenWire typically moves from education and monitoring to energy reduction equipment. The key product lines we plan our reduction around usually involves LED Lighting and Motor Controls. We see reductions in lighting cost of 50% or more quite regularly in our products. HVAC and motor loads can use up to 2/3rds of the total energy used. A reduction in these loads are done by VFD's, Pre-Cooling, Programmable Controls and Equipment Upgrades. We never sacrifice comfort in our designs.
GreenWire will always move towards Solar power generation after education and reduction have been preformed first. Solar is an excellent way to generate clean power for 20+ years. With the massive drop in production cost coupled with current tax incentives solar can deliver 5-7 year paybacks. Just a decade ago the cost of solar was 3-4 times more than today and the payback was usually 15+ years.
GreenWire truly hopes you will spend enough time on our website to learn about energy education, reduction and production. We hope to have You as our Next Customer! Please enjoy our Website!